
In spite of being installed munin in my company’s websites, yet I didn’t installed munin my websites. So I installed that. This document is reminder if I forget some settings of that. However the setting was literally easy. I apprceiate the effort acchiving this result by leading people. As a […]

Being Installed munin

(This image is from flicker : Author Yuri Samoilov Image System Lock) I changed my server\’s default connection to SSL for using letsencrypt. HERE is the step by step tutotrial of its instruction how to change a server to fit SSL for when I forget my settings. Open 80 and […]

Let’s encrypt

Recently I moved to the Sakura internet in my VPS provider. In addition, I changed this website to be hosted PHP-fpm on Nginx from apache on Nginx. I think little bit faster than before, but I don’t know how much what it does because of not being measured by web […]

Divided website to JP and EN